i want to dress up today.
i need to stop crying~
i want to be happier today.
you indirectly meant i was a jinx, fine i am.
you're getting too much each day.
you're the reason why i dislike heading home early...
assumption kills so just stop assuming.
ohya~! nothing in the world you did was wrong, everyone esle is always in the wrong.
sometimes you do things that make people dislike you but all you assume is ppl like you.
since you love comparing & she sounds much better than me why not go get her to be your daughter.
is my mum the only one being all so insane at almost all the time!?
Is that girl rachel bilson, or is she just some model?
is just some model i found on some web(: but kinda look abit like her... but in other photos dont look like.
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