woke up at 10plus so i could meet priss (like finally) to help her friend, josh for his project which is some print ad for ikea thingy. it has been ages since i step into tamp ikea & yesh... i only go there for food & all those cute kid showroom^^ i fat already luh, today): 15meatballs, chickenwing & a little bit of salmon. met up with bbyg mae @tampmall(: bought our mobile phone accessories & when over to toysRus, paid $6 got 2 hellokitty thingy on the turnturn machine.. worth it cause it was so damn pretty!
we then cabbed over...

&yeshh finally got to have it after like 46382957832 years(: i was indeed a happy kid X1000000~!

we bump in to alvan at the bus stop^^ damn happy to see him since he was away to china for school trip like 2months & interesting story he brought back home too~! i finally believe his story! celeste, yang & bby join us soon after... javiour was suppose to be there but... he waited to long for us that he left):

baby got damn pekchek cause no cab for us to get back home but like always... is Parkway area on a friday so is common. yay! now baby kept gyming then his muscles on his arm grew bigger. call me psychotic or whatever so ever but i like to squeeze it like some stress ball^^ HAHAH LOL!!

we girl never miss any chances of camwhoring(: LOL! girls what...all the same one luh~! little things like this always make us happier than ever. CUTE & wo xin huan(:

top: cotton on body pullover^^ shoes: topshop sandals. bag: universal studios singapore "action" tote. acessories: casio classic black strap watch, cotton on sunnies, agnes b bracelet^^

just sewed on a huge ribbon on my newly bought mobile socks(: & yesh... one of the turnturn machine hellokitty thingy(:

newly bought sandals from topshop... wore it immediately cause too pretty already..! i want to buy all the colours^^ tomorrow(:

YESSSSSH!!! my first nuffnang cheque, finally received it(: happy me... trallala! $XXX, gonna spend it tomorrow~! dont ask me how much cause i already XXX means i wont say(: whatever it is... I AM HAPPY!!
baby's at zouk now with his friends(: i sooo wanna watch ip man2 & iron man2, hoping i could watch it tomrrow with baby after his school(: lets see how the plan goes tomorrow then. ohya! tomorrow mst go complaint my boardband device thing! i paid $40 less then 2 days spoilt again.... rubbish please~! i gonna make them replace me with a brand new one. thank god daddy sign more starhub one or i cant blog again.
after 4days, finally got to see my baby. it feels awesome~! <3 <3
hey, regarding the nuffnang thingy..only other ppl can click or wad?can click more than once?
hahah honestly i dont know eh. i just let it be(: i never ask ppl to click though... i just let it be^^
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