formspring me.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


4th month & counting~!
peek & laugh at me camwhoring right!!!??
oh i tried asking him to smile but he said he need to laugh first to smile~ how silly luh..
happy 4th month babybryan<3 thanks for everything~! it has been 4 awesome smooth sailing months for us & it's gonna continue this way yea? yup, it will^^ i swear ju pyo reminds me alot of you in certain ways though but whatever it is, bryan is bryan end of the day. i must say, i'm lucky to have you<3 
  1. went to pay my school fees.
  2. i seriously cant wait for school to start~! orentation & stuff....
  3. oh! yesterday crysan added me on fb, i got to know her through nafa's entry test & yesshhh she got in too & really hoping we would be in the same class though, praying hard(:
  4. headed to town to meet bby.
  5. had sushi teh^^
  6. bus down to cathay for KICK ASS.
  7. got moody & was like trying to hide it but sure fail one.
  8. i swear i love hit girl <3 i'm lesbian for now.
  9. the way she play with the butterfly knife... wooohooo like shoik!
  10. bby is totally in love with that show.
  11. beats monga for sure, monga was boring... storyline -.- watch monga for handsome boys only.
  12. i was freezing in the theatre & ya, i kept sneezing the entire day luh
  13. maybe i am getting sick but nonono cannot... i monday going universal studios again!
  14. we bus back to my home, met up with bby's mum for 85.
  15. home sweet home!
i lubb euu baobei^^ HAHAHAHAHHA!

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