formspring me.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

ceiling crawling demons~!

i've bad skin day): so i had to pile slightly more concealer on my face~

i was already late to meet bby & when i saw this i was like -.- X1000000000000
the best thing the accident was sooo small, singaporeans are just singaporean.
as though see the license plate's number will guarantee a win for 4D or TOTO.
yesssh, finally my fringe is growing and about to cover my eyes... woohooo!
got the mood to dress rather slacking this entire week, maybe due to menses then like pmsing~
oh & found my kitten heel slippers, thought mummy threw them away but nah it was in a pile of unfolded clothes in the wardrobe(: now i shall hunt for the green & gold ones~!

by the time i reached bby's home was like 545pm, 45mins late): enter his room, beyond's songs were playing & sometimes i got to admit my boyfriend slightly different from normal teens. every song was in canto, uncle uncle kind of song but some of them were awesome~ wo xi huan(: fell asleep for awhile & when we woke up was like 710pm already & our movie is at 745pm... nice, forever late for movie. waited for bby to prepare & cabbed down to cathay. i swear the counter girl was so rude lah. 

dion: 2 tickets for REC2 at 745pm.
girl: 745pm? is showing now already lah.
dion: ya... i know.
girl: so you want or dont want?
dion: yup! i want 2 tickets.
girl: you late already!
dion: nevermind, is okok..
girl: *stare at me* fine...

her tone of voice seriously, damn attitude! whatever it is, we hurried up to lvl 6 but baby had to go to toilet so i entered the theater first & i damn scared if suddenly got the zombie then i scream will super paiseh cause i am alone!! was praying damn hard no zombies would appear till bby comes & true enough it didnt(: the show was awesome but we were rather annoyed by those teens in the movie... argh -.- you shall go watch and then you will know why. overall is like any other cheapthrill film but 3.5 stars from me~~~

i didnt ate the entire day so we went over to have chicken rice~ finally my cravings for chicken rice is over. plenty of black sauce on my rice taste so good like always(: walked back to cathay to wait for theodore to reach cause bby, theodore, jon going zirca for lrinking lrinking! we shared a cabbed, drop them off at clarke quay & home sweet home i went. 
i manage to get baby smiling in this picture! happy me & gonna use this picture for something. is definitely not whatever bby was thinking... hello! think out of the box lah~!

fine, i pissed with daddy!!! argh... shan say anything here, not very nice. so i am hiding in my room & refusing to head outside to use the comp cause i am still pissed with him over something. alright! tomorrow will be celebrating dino's birthday i think so yay! finally heading parkway after soo long & now i need to go do my secret mission~! hope to get it done by the end of the month though~

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