formspring me.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

i'll wait for more good memories with you.

"Pain comes in all forms: the small twinge, a bit of soreness, the random pain, the normal pains we live with every day. Then there’s the kind of pain we can’t ignore: a level of pain so great that it blocks out everything else, makes the rest of the world fade away until all we can think about is how much we hurt. How we manage our pain is up to us. Pain. We anesthetize, ride it out, embrace it, ignore it… And for some of us, the best way to manage pain is to just push through it."

i dont know you long my fellow kkbb lovely but my heart's aching to know whats going to happen. i know i cant do anything but i am sure i will be keeping you in my prayers everynight, praying everything will be fine for you till the end. is a pity we didnt get to meet before tomorrow comes but is okay, i am always there. be strong lovely, i know you can! tell yourself you can kay(: just remember everything i told you in the texts~ many things i do, i see, i hear, i feel will definitely reminds me of you after monday. gonna miss your presence for awhile but i know you will be back fast! i will really miss you soo much, i swear! i will write letters to you even though is just 2 or 3 lines(:

dont worry about me, i will be fine & i am sure bryan will take care of me. you better take care when you are there kay? eat more too, too skinny already luh~! tearing now while typing this posts but you dont cry kay! cannot cry... you cry uh the hello kitty deal off... HAHAH! anyway heres a song i like to dedicate to you fengling kkbb(:

Dear Friend, what's on your mind
You don't laugh the way you used to
But I've noticed how you cry
Dear friend, I feel so helpless
I see you sit in silence
As you face new pain each day
I feel there's nothing I can do
I know you don't feel pretty
Even though you are
But it wasn't your beauty
That found room in my heart

Dear friend, you are so precious, Dear Friend

Dear friend, I'm here for you
I know that you don't talk too much
But we can share this day anew
Dear Friend, please don't feel like you're alone
There is someone who is praying
Praying for your peace of mind
Hoping joy is what you'll find
I know you don't feel weak
Even though you are
But it wasn't your strength
That found room in my heart

Dear friend, you are so precious, Dear Friend

You are so precious
so precious

love you babe! i will miss you so much~~~~

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