formspring me.

Monday, April 12, 2010

lightbulb please appear.

i know i am suppose to be asleep by now but i cant help it to try finish my secret mission):
i have yet to even start anything on it): 9more days to deadline~
i want to do something nice, sweet but why i always blank out when i take the pen up.
seriously, need to think out of the box already...
tomorrow i shall spend my time at home doing it, if i aint heading out!

actually i wanna ask bby something, i have been thinking about it for the longest time but doubt he would agree on it though. nevermind, maybe i should give it a try soon but like i dont know how to put it. like weird lah, girl ask & not boy ask~! i shall think about it again.........


Anonymous said...

hey babe! get well soon! :)

Dion Victoria said...

thanks lovely(: