formspring me.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010



i'm craving for koi bubble tea): town should just have one~~~
i'm hungry but not going to eat till bby come & accompany me for breakie.
envy how people are able to go school where esle for me i have to wait 3months more~!
i love holidays but when its too long, it gets boring.
actually i kinda love my small appetite after every month's period.
even though at times giddy spells & vomiting problems arise but can get skinny!
gosh i am weird or what man.....
for me holidays = insomnia & kinda dislike it though...
ohman, i feel like shopping & do something silly now^^
nevermind i shall use this time to go think of what to do for my secret mission & study for BTT(:


boo! i'm @work...
gosh! too many questions for bbt to understand): die... nevermind~!

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